DNA 4, Part 1 Seminar

ThetaHealing® DNA 4, Part 1 Seminar

Ellen Cohen, ThetaHealing® Certificate of Science

ThetaHealing® Master

The ThetaHealing® DNA 4, Part 1 Seminar introduces the concept of self-care and raising our vibration as we continue to move forward in the ThetaHealing® spiritual meditation technique. The ThetaHealing® DNA 4, Part 1 Seminar provides additional information and application of the Virtues, energy, light, color, auras, and food and vibration. The ThetaHealing® DNA 4, Part 1 Seminar also includes a greater understanding of the Sixth Plane Universal Laws and all of the Seven Planes of Existence.

Included with Seminar – Practitioner’s Manual and Practitioner’s Certificate.

Pre-requisites: Basic ThetaHealing® Seminar, Advanced ThetaHealing® Seminar, Dig Deeper Seminar, You and the Creator Seminar, Manifesting and Abundance Seminar, You and the Earth Seminar, You and Your Inner Circle Seminar, World Relations Seminar, DNA 3 Seminar, Planes of Existence Seminar, Planes of Existence 2 Seminar, and either – Basic DNA Instructors Seminar or Basic DNA Enhancement Part 1 class.